Online Survey: Survey for Research on Security and Protection for Civil Society Under Pressure in the EU

Online Survey Conducted by the Pivot Brigade, published on 16/05 – accessible here.


The purpose of this online survey, commissioned by the Open Society Foundations and conducted by Pivot Brigade in Hungary, is to enhance the safety of human rights and civil liberties activists in the European Union and assist donors in providing effective support to them. The research covers a broad range of risk-related issues, encompassing various types of threats (e.g., reputational, data security, physical attacks) and the impact of security-related concerns on mission-critical areas of operation (such as psychological well-being, funding, and human resources). The questionnaire is designed to consider the perspectives of both donors and grant recipients by asking relevant questions to respondents belonging to either group. The most suitable person to complete the survey on behalf of your organization would be either the director or someone familiar with the operational side of your work. The survey is anonymous and will take 15-20 minutes to finish. Your participation in this important research would be greatly appreciated.

Complete the survey here:

The survey will close on June 6th 2023.