(Translated in English with www.Deepl.org from VERTELE!) The Women’s Collective of RTVE begins a network campaign to denounce the manipulation of information in the corporation and ask for its immediate renewal. Dozens of testimonies give accounts of concrete cases that show how public media are used for partisan purposes.
Press conferences censored. Workers cornered for not being manipulated. Or express requests such as that the President of the Government should not date the accused’. The collective of women workers of RTVE has started a campaign to denounce the manipulation in the corporation and thus raise awareness about the situation in the entity and that is prolonged by the PP’s blockade of the renewal of the president and the Board of Directors.
As explained in a statement, with the label in networks #AsíSeManipula want citizens “to be able to access real situations that explain how is the manipulation of information in the public body every day and with the money of all“.
Similarly, they encourage viewers and listeners to share their testimonies “and to relate examples of manipulation” that they have heard on RTVE.
“Citizens must be aware that they are being denied their right to access plural and quality information“, said the promoters of this transversal campaign in which they once again called for an “RTVE for all“.
Under the hashtag #AsíSeManipula, first-person stories of how reality is distorted to favor the government’s story or certain interests. Censored journalists, parallel writing, orders to break the principle of plurality that by law must govern the corporation.
In addition to the cases included in the various reports of the News Councils, there are dozens of complaints from the women of RTVE about the difficulties they have in carrying out their daily work as journalists.
Cuando no se da una información relevante porque perjudica al gobierno o a su partido; se deja para la siguiente edición o para mañana y entonces se da desdibujada, incompleta y de manera confusa …. pic.twitter.com/QPlEkGc6X0
— alicia gómez montano (@aliciagmontano) April 30, 2018
Cuando te dicen que el pte. del gobierno no puede salir en imagen con políticos imputados por corrupción…#AsíSeManipula #MujeresRTVE
— Izaskun Fernández (@FdezIzaskun) April 30, 2018
Cuando te piden que hagas un vídeo resumen de una campaña electoral por orden cronológico para no empezar por el escándalo que afecta al partido que gobierna #AsíSeManipula #RTVEdetodos #SosRTVE
— Lara Robles (@lara_robles) April 30, 2018
No dando una noticia hasta que no hay reacciones del partido del gobierno #asisemanipula #asisehamanipulado #defiendertve @MujeresRtve
— ALEJANDRA MARTÍNEZ (@AlejandraMarPor) April 30, 2018
Cuando un colectivo de afectados se reúne con una ministra y se prohíbe dar en directo la rueda de prensa del colectivo pero sí se da en directo la de la ministra. #AsíSeManipula #SOSRtve #RTVEdetodos
— Alejandra Herranz (@AlexHerranz) April 30, 2018
Cuando luchas contra la manipulación sin callarte cada día y acaban destituyéndote. En este caso un nuevo jefe (2015), ya exsubdirector, que intenta 'desterrarte' a Cultura pero consigues quedarte en Nacional #Asísemanipula #RTVEdetodos @MujeresRtve https://t.co/hMe2kMzQH4
— Ana Martín Plaza (@anamartinplaza) April 30, 2018
#AsíseManipula cuando a quién está a punto de entrar en directo, el jefe del área le da datos falsos de última hora para que los incluya. Los espectadores lo notamos. Casualmente siempre a favor del PP.
— fiz paz 🔻 (@fizpaz) April 30, 2018
Cuando después de la jornada histórica del 8M, el Telediario abre al día siguiente con sucesos y deja las manifestaciones para el minuto 18. @MujeresRtve #AsíseManipula #RTVEdetodos https://t.co/mCkqRWX7ZK
— Gema Sánchez Moreno (@gemasanmoreno) April 30, 2018
Cuando peleas y peleas contra tus jefes para que una información no se emita sesgada, te apartan y contratan a una persona dócil para hacerla. #AsiSeManipula #RTVEdeTodos #MujeresRTVE #DefiendeRTVE
— martaksa (@martaksa) April 30, 2018
#asisemanipula @MujeresRtve cuando no se informa de nada que sea incómodo para el Gobierno tipo el caso Cifuentes o cuando se hace, se informa tarde y mal sin citar fuentes.
— Nuria Verde (@nuriaverde) April 30, 2018
La información sobre corrupción que afecta al Gobierno se da tarde y en un breve de 20" y lo que afecta a otros partidos políticos se magnifica con directos, piezas y grandes despliegues. #AsíSeManipula Las @MujeresRtve no nos callamos#RTVE #RTVEdetodos
— Yolanda Álvarez (@yalvareztv) April 30, 2018
RTVE’s Women’s campaign has also been joined by other employees of the corporation who have wanted to share their experiences.
#AsíSeManipula Mis jefes en TVE me encargaron que hiciese la pieza sobre los audios del ministro Jorge Fernández Díaz. Les dije que sin audios ni firmaba ni leía y a los 10 minutos me apartaron de hacer la pieza .@CdItve .@MujeresRtve #sosRTVE #DefiendeRTVE
— Gabriel López (@Gabrielopev) April 30, 2018
“Parallel Writing”
Many of the complaints from the RTVE workers refer to the existence of a “parallel” editorial staff hired by management to produce biased information.
Trade union sources denounce in statements to VERTELE that “like-minded people have been hired whom they send, since we veterans would not allow ourselves to be manipulated and that this way we would get what they want“.
Trade unions have on numerous occasions denounced the existence of this “parallel” wording, pointing out that the management of RTVE “uses temporary contracts to reinforce the wording” and that “in 2016 more than 40% of temporary contracts were dedicated to this purpose“. For this reason CGT brought before the Court of Auditors the temporary contracting in the corporation.
Meanwhile, the renewal of RTVE continues to be blocked despite the consensus of all the parties except the PP to launch the public tender to elect a new president.
At the last meeting the PP stopped the document asking for several reports because, in their opinion, there are “doubts that it complies with the current legislation”.
Faced with this situation, RTVE workers met last Friday in an assembly to establish a series of coordinated measures with which to protest against what they describe as “kidnapping” of the public media by the government.
Among them, they will wear black every Friday to express their “mourning” for the situation they are living in.
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Featured image: Vertele!