SERBIA: Journalist Tamara Skrozza victim of media lynching by pro-government TV Pink

For several days, TV Pink – a loyal spokesperson of the government in Serbia – has launched a media lynching against Tamara Skrozza, an independent journalist. Previously, she has evidenced the overwhelming presence of Serbia’s Progressive Party (SNS) leaders on this news outlet, in comparison to all other opposition representatives. She is now accused of being an “enemy of the State” by TV Pink, which does not skimp on manipulations against her.

(Originally on Courrier des Balkans in French) – TV Pink launched a media lynching campaign against Tamara Skrozza, after CRTA organisation – of which Mrs Skrozza is a member – published the results of research showing that leaders from ruling Serbia’s Progressive Party (SNS) were four times more present in this outlet than all opposition politicians together.

On 30 January, the Association of independent journalists of Serbia (NUNS) and the Centre for research, transparency and accountability (CRTA) asked the viewers across the country to report to the Serbian electronic media regulation body any time Tamara Skrozza is depicted as an “enemy of the State” on the number one private channel.

According to her and NUNS, TV Pink showed statements from the journalist taken out of context, in order to deliberately give a distorted political picture. “NUNS and CRTA have launched a call for support against the odious daily campaign, orchestrated by TV Pink and targeting Tamara Skrozza, where she is depicted as an enemy of President Aleksandar Vucic. This campaign aims at discrediting CRTA.” said both organisations in a joint press release.

NUNS and CRTA hope that the Electronic media regulation Authority will expose these “manipulations” organised by TV Pink. More than 90 complaints were already reported by Serbian viewers. Tamara Skrozza regrets the fact that this campaign created tensions in her everyday life. “My mother is very afraid for me and the security of my children”, she told NUNS, adding that she was nevertheless willing to continue doing her job.

Below is the video of a show aired by TV Pink on 24 January 2018, where fake news are sequenced in order to delegitimate Tamara Skrozza and CRTA organisation. The video was published by CRTA on Youtube.

Featured image via Courrier des Balkans