Last year the six Central European foundations under the umbrella of the Environmental Partnership Association initiated a set of Recommendations for a comprehensive European civil society strategy and policy. The first draft of this proposal, open to comments and modifications was presented at various regional events, sent around the civil society organisation in several countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria) as well as European networks.
European Partnership is committed to advocate at European institutions for adopting the Recommendations in the form of an official document, thereby acknowledge the importance and lay out the main actions and instruments the EU does and will do to counter the shrinking of civil space in the Member States.
Achieving change in this field will be a long-term undertaking, and needs pressure coming from broad ’front’ of CSOs from all around. The final text is available here.
Environmental Partnership Foundation (Ökotárs Alapítvány) is collecting signatures until 18 February 2020 for this initiative. If you would like to endorse it, you can fill in this table with your organization’s name, country, representative and logo until 10 February (Monday) 2020.
For more information you can contact:
Móra Veronika
Ökotárs Alapítvány / Hungarian
Environmental Partnership Foundation
Tel: +36-1-411 35 00