A group of women activists was identified as “socially dangerous” by the police central station of Rome for singing Bella Ciao in sign of protest against the stand of the neo-fascist party Casapound in their neighbourhood San Paolo Garbatella on 20 May 2018. According to the group Antifasciste e antifascisti Roma Sud, they received a notice from the police under art. 3 of the Legislative Decree No 159/2011, also known as the Anti-mafia Code. This measure targets people who have repeatedly committed crimes. However, according to the group, none of these women received an explanation of the nature of the crimes they committed. The three women are all activists in different fields ranging from the campaign on public water to solidarity with the Palestinian people. This was the only action they could recall undertaking together.
News source links:
- Osservatorio repressione: http://www.osservatoriorepressione.info/antifasciste-rende-socialmente-pericolose/
- La Repubblica: http://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2018/08/01/news/roma_cantano_bella_ciao_contro_casapound_avviso_dalla_questura_socialmente_pericolose_-203146830/
- Pop Off Quotidiano: https://www.popoffquotidiano.it/2018/07/31/roma-donne-socialmente-pericolose-per-aver-cantato-bella-ciao/