FRANCE: Human rights commission set-up an observatory to monitor the way the sanitary urgency law is implemented

(Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme – 2 April 2020)

The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH), under the impulse of its new president, Jean-Marie Burguburu, is setting up an observatory on the impact of the measures of the state of health emergency and the “Covid-19” ordinances on the respect of fundamental rights.

In this very particular context, thanks to the expertise and field experience of its members, the CNCDH is setting up an observatory on the state of health emergency whose mission is to constantly examine the impact of measures taken by the public authorities on the respect for human rights and their effectiveness.

The CNCDH thus intends to identify the difficulties observed by its members from civil society. This information will make it possible to propose concrete recommendations that will help the government to guarantee the fundamental rights of all, especially the most vulnerable.

Read the entire statement here (in French)