EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Annual reports on the application of the Charter

Report released by the European Commission on 06/12/2022

Objective of the reports

Since 2010, the European Commission has published an annual report on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU.

The annual report monitors progress in the areas where the EU has powers to act, showing how the charter has been taken into account in actual cases, notably when new EU legislation is proposed.

Since 2021, following the strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter in the EU, the Charter report focusses every year on a different thematic area of strategic relevance governed by EU law. 

The annual report provides an opportunity for an annual exchange of views with the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

2022 report

The 2022 report on the application of the Charter of fundamental rights in the EU follows the thematic approach announced by the European Commission in the strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU. The 2022 report focuses on civic space and its role in protecting and promoting the fundamental rights under the Charter.

Four areas of the report

  • CSOs and rights defenders are crucial for the protection of fundamental rights
  • Protecting CSOs and rights defenders
  • Supporting CSOs and rights defenders
  • Empowering CSOs and rights defenders
