(Council of Europe – 6 November 2019)
The Conference of INGOs adopted the revised Code of Good Practice at its plenary meeting on 30 October 2019. Ten years on from the first edition of the Code, new trends in civil participation and recent documents such as the Guidelines for civil participation in the political decision-making process adopted by the Committee of Ministers in September 2017, led to a joint initiative of the Conference of INGOs and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities to update and revise the Code. The revised Code was welcomed by the Congress which adopted Resolution 452 (2019) calling upon its members to endorse the Code and promote its implementation by local and regional authorities in member States of the Council of Europe.
The revised Code is a user-friendly and structured instrument for decision makers and organized civil society. To illustrate its use, an accompanying toolkit will give practical examples of good practice, as well as less good practice, as a reference and learning tool for all users of the revised Code.
The toolkit will be built on case studies and NGOs are invited to provide examples of their practice or experience with civil participation in the decision-making process. If you would like to share your example with us, please return the attached case-study to the address: civil.participation@coe.int
The previous version of the Code was a practical and hands-on document used in different countries and available in different languages. We are now calling on NGOs which are willing to adapt and update these translations. If your NGO is interested please contact the Secretariat at civil.participation@coe.int
- revised Code of good practice
- case study template
- previous edition of the Code in several languages