Analysis: Public Participation in Crisis Response

– Analysis by ECNL, published on 21 May 2021, available here.

Analysis of international standards, challenges and good practices of public participation in times of crisis and beyond.

ECNL in collaboration with Anna Rurka, Past President of the Conference of INGOs, developed a paper that seeks to evaluate participatory trends in light of the COVID-19 emergency responses.

The research looks at the extent to which CSOs were able to participate meaningfully in decision making and what we can learn from existing good practices. It also provides recommendations on what is needed to further enhance the policy and standards of participation so that we can ensure that these rights can be meaningfully applied in crisis situations in the future.

Find out more about how public participation is key for emergency measures to:

  • be based on evidence;
  • take into consideration the impact on different sectors of the community, in particular the most vulnerable and marginalised;
  • not to be disproportionate, overbroad, and counter-productive; and
  • create more trust in and compliance with these measures.

Read the analysis:

Public Participation in crisis response