ITALY: Organisations in Rome demanding an urgent meeting with institutions to discuss the situation of homeless people during the COVID-19 emergency

Call for action published in Italian on A Buon Diritto Onlus website, 31 March 2020 – accessible here

The situation in Rome continues to be of absolute emergency for those who are homeless, and even more so amid the full-scale Cover-19 health emergency.

For this reason the organisations are writing again to the Rome authorities to request interventions that can promptly provide answers to these increasingly urgent needs. The appeal is once again addressed to the Mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi, Prefect Gerarda Pantalone, the Assessora Veronica Mammì, the Civil Protection Department of the Capital.

This is a policy document that not only highlights the issues encountered in the Capitoline territory, but suggests viable and sustainable initiatives to protect both professionals and volunteers who offer service in favour of the homeless people. We believe that it is necessary to organise a meeting with the various responsible institutions (Municipality of Rome Capital, Department for Social Policies, Municipalities, Prefecture, Local Health Authorities – ASL) not only to guarantee the exchange of information, but above all to plan common actions for the protection of vulnerable categories, also through the establishment of a steering committee.

The signatories:

A Buon Diritto Onlus, Acat italia, Actionaid, Adif – Associazione Diritti e Frontiere, Ali, Alterego – Fabbrica Dei Diritti, Aoi, Arci Roma, Baobab Experience, Be Free Cooperativa, Casetta Rossa, Centro Astalli, Cgil Roma e Lazio, Cinecittà Bene Comune, Cnca Lazio, Comi, Promoting Committee campaign “Io Accolgo” Rome, Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati Onlus, Cs Brancaleone, Csa Astra, Csoa Spartaco, Differenza Donna NGO, Focus – Casa dei Diritti Sociali, Migrantes Foundation, Gli Occidentati Istituzione Teresiane, K_alma, Lab! puzzle, Let us in, Liberi Nantes, Lunaria, Mani Rosse Antirazziste, Médecins du Monde – Missione Italia, Nonna Roma, Partito della Rifondazione Comunista – Sinistra Europea, Pensare Migrante,, Progetto Diritti, Radicali Roma, Recosol, Refugees Welcome Italia, S.Egidio, Saltamuri, Uds, Wilpf-italia.

(Translated with