ITALY: three journalists detained by the police for investigation on corruption in the League

(Translated from La Stampa) A journalist from La Stampa was detained in the police station of Bolzano for investigation of the money flows of the League. Two colleagues from Il Fatto Quotidiano and to La Repubblica were with him: they were interrogated for three hours by the police.

Three Genoese journalists were interrogated for three hours at the police station in Bolzano about articles on Lega’s alleged financial flows, at the request of the Genoa Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The behaviour of the police was criticized by Fnsi, Associazione Ligure Giornalisti, Ordine Ligure dei Giornalisti, Gruppo Cronisti Liguri, because

“it was carried out by the magistrature and the judicial police against colleagues involved in finding answers to one of the darkest events of recent years. They were providing important updates of public interest on a financial investigation into money laundering of 48 million public funds”.

“The “muscular” choice of the judiciary and the judicial police is a surprising attempt to gag information and curb the freedom of the press” – reports a joint statement.

Featured image via La Stampa